New Kidblog for our Preps

I am very excited to let you all know that I have just finished creating a new blog site which will allow our Prep students to begin to learn the current art of blogging. They will be well prepared for their future classes at school and the growth of technology integration in education. This new blog access is optional for those who are keen and have some tech savvy mums, dads or grandparents or for those who want to learn some more. will remain as our class blog where you can access information, resources and events or activities we are exploring at school. The new Kidblog is a safe and interactive blog site which we are using as a way to communicate digitally with our class mates, submit work tasks and create a digital portfolio to show samples of our work. Each student will be assigned a password to access his or her blog profile and with a little help from an adult students can experience blogging by posting answers to the teachers questions. I have already posted our first task ready for when school resumes after the current holiday break. Your child will be given a password to access their blog account from home. Please see Mrs P if you are interested in participating. I encourage you to assist your child explore their blog and practise communicating via ‘posts’ – all posts are submitted to Mrs P who determines if they are suitable to publish on the blog. Students may view their class mates blog but are unable to edit or change another students’ blog due to individual password access – so keep these safe. Only class members and Mrs P can view our class Kidblog site as the settings are only available to listed members – this means that posts are only accessible between the teacher and students. For other internet safety process we do not post photographs of students, do not use full names and we only use our class blog as a positive means to communicate our great work at school. Mrs P will inform parents when there is an online task to complete. Please be sure to submit your email subscription to this blog for alerts of new blog posts and keep in the loop. Later in the term I am planning to run an ICT session for parents where I can offer assistance with blogging education, discuss iPads and tablets and how you can successfully and safely support your child to use technology in education……stay tuned. Mrs P 🙂

For an early sneak peek check out
For those with iPad/iPhone you can download the free Kidblog app for fast access.
I will be adding the Kidblog link to this blog so you can easily navigate from here.