Parent Teacher Interviews

Interviews with report handovers will commence next week on Monday. I have times available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If none of the listed times suit you please see me to make an appointment for a more suitable time. I am always more than happy to meet with parents at any time of the year – so please feel free to have a chat with me if you have any questions, concerns or celebrations for your child’s learning journey this year. The idea of having a meeting with the report handover is so we can discuss your child’s learning, how to read and understand the report grades, plan future goals for your child’s learning or where we are headed next and finally it is a great way to communicate with you all on a personal level. Booking sheets went home on Wednesday and are to be returned to school on Friday. You will receive the sheet again with your highlighted time included. Thank you to everyone who was very prompt in returning those cards today. I look forward to chTting to all our families next week.
Mrs Pethers


Prep tea cup gardens

On Wednesday our senior students and Mrs Tully’s green team helped us fill our tea cup gardens with potting mix. We are now ready to plant. If you have any vegetable seedlings or plants that grow well in our current climate please bring in to school and help us plant. Prep are all very excited about caring for our new garden beds. Beau has been selected as the class ‘Gardener’ this term which is his job to water our plants each morning on arrival to school. Everyone in Prep has a new responsibility to help in our classroom which I will post up soon.
Mrs P


New SSP app

For everyone who uses an iPad – this is a must! Miss Emma has released an SSP app and the best part is it’s free to load. Go to the App Store and search for SSP spelling piano. We are using it in class on our school iPads and I am very impressed by how user friendly yet perfect for reading and spelling practise. I recommend this to all our Prep parents.
Click here to link